Reasons To travel the World


All you you have so manyreasons to travel the world..

Here are some reasons that shows why travel is important to you.

To gain a fresh viewpoint

There's nothing quite like travel to make you realise that what you conceive of as "the way people do things" is actually the way YOU do things. Humankind is alive with differences you can't imagine until you witness them for yourself, from our family to our work to our food to our houses.

To see the world with fresh eyes

In his book "The Philosophy of Travel," philosopher George Santayana wrote, "We need to escape into open solitudes, into aimlessness, into the moral holiday of running some pure hazard, in order to sharpen the edge of life, to taste hardship, and to be compelled to work desperately for a moment at no matter what." 

To go away from the office

Americans have a reputation around the world for not being able to quit their jobs. However, taking a break from work is beneficial to your physical and mental health. It's also beneficial to your career—it allows you to see the big picture in a new light and strengthens your team by pushing you to delegate and rely on someone else.

To settle grievances by shared experiences

Nothing beats a glass of wine by the pool on a cruise ship to start a conversation that allows you to see the other person's point of view. When you're developing memories and sharing delightful experiences—and viewing each other in a fresh light—family grudges and hurt sentiments that rumble beneath the surface of the annual Thanksgiving feast look different.

To get knowledge of various civilizations

Every place has its own distinct history and style. A knowledgeable local tour guide will transport you to a world that is completely different from your own.

To fortify relationships

Something about the shared experience of travel has the power to bring people together. Vacations with family, a trip with a significant other, or a girls' weekend will forge a lifelong bond.

To unplug

We're constantly checking our phones, living life through the status updates or posts of others. When you travel, you can disconnect from emails and social media. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the moment without your phone's screen in the way.

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